Crisis Communication and Social Media
for Public Safety

A Premier Crisis Communications and Social Media Course
by a Veteran Crisis Communicator and Social Media Messenger

Crisis Communications for Social Media and Public Safety

(8 Hours)

California POST Certified: #1345-33240 – Plan N/A

Need certification for your state?
All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state. Contact us to start a discussion about getting the process started.

Your agency is one incident or traffic stop away from being in a full-blown public relations crisis. How you decide to communicate with the media and the public is critical and you’re only going to get one chance to do it right.

Today’s communication moves fast.
The news story can either be about you or it can be told by you.

Unlike our other courses which are open to sworn law enforcement officers only, this course is open to all law enforcement, fire and public safety personnel.

Incidents that impact your agency’s operations or reputation can occur across the public safety spectrum and at any time. This course provides excellent insight to members from all corners of the public safety sector – from fire service and emergency medical agencies to law enforcement and emergency management organizations. The elements presented in this class will help fire chiefs, PIO’s, police commanders, and anyone looking to improve their public communication skills while being prepared for the worst – whether it’s a critical incident or a public relations crisis.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at how some of our nation’s premier public safety agencies handle a crisis. This one-day course is full of practical tools.

You’ll hear how the NYPD deploys Public Information Officers and uses social media to communicate in a crisis. You’ll see real-world examples of communication failures and successes and take away sound strategies for preparing for and responding to media inquiries and press conferences.

During this course we’ll discuss exactly how to use speed and specific social media strategies to control the message in today’s #HappeningNow world. There are no broad concepts and theories in this course. Instead, you’re going to walk away with practical tools you can immediately plug into your department’s strategies.

Whether you are looking for crisis communication training for law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, public safety dispatchers or any other public safety agency, this is the perfect course for you. We’ll deliver the course in-person or in a virtual format. If you would like to host this course for your team, contact us today. Your team will receive the same great training as you would in our in-person courses plus we’ll provide you with a recording of the webinar so you use it to provide training to your staff for years to come.

Crisis Communications Concepts Video Series

Plus get access to 12 refresher training videos featuring Paul Grattan, Jr.

The learning doesn’t stop when you leave this course. Each Crisis Communications student will receive 12 separate training videos sent to them in the weeks and months after the course. That means that the learning doesn’t stop after you attend our course.


These videos are a $99 value. We’re including them here at no additional charge for students who complete the course!

This course is POST-certified in California and Idaho.

Contact Us to discuss POST certification in your state.

Instructor Paul Grattan Jr.

Paul is a recently retired Sergeant with the New York City Police Department and a Policing Fellow with the National Police Foundation. Paul was a full-time digital communications officer with the NYPD where he crafted messages for command staff and managed social media messaging.

More About Paul

Paul Grattan
Paul Grattan, Jr.

The "Message Bases"

In baseball, you’re safe when you’re on base – and the same is true in communications. Whether talking to the press or engaging via social media, if you want to be safe you should always have a base you can move toward, or a base you can retreat to. PIOs and Command Staff who understand this can walk into a press conference with confidence.

Influence Through Communication

You know you need to control the message to avoid an even bigger communications crisis, but you may not realize just how powerful and well-positioned you are in today’s media environment. Come learn how effective your agency’s position as a verifiable source is in impacting the narrative.

Digital Download

This isn’t a vague training course about social media platforms. You’re going to walk away with the universal denominators that agencies across the nation are employing for effective media communications.

Faster than Now

Today’s communications move FAST. This is a crisis communications crash course that you can use to train your staff and to invest in planning and preparation.

Students Are Saying:

"If you are in the fire service, take this course! We need this unique perspective. I now have an organized and tangible approach to media and social media relations."

— Firefighter Justin Stockman, Santa Clara County Fire Department (CA)

"My favorite part of the course was the breakdown of real examples. Great instructor!"

— Communications Specialist Elizabeth Anguiano, Anaheim PD (CA)

“Before this course I was feeling unsure about how to address sensitive topics. This course gave me a solid outline and I’m leaving with new resources and confidence!”

— Krystal Giessen, McCall Police Department (ID)

“One of the best courses I have attended in 20 years as a law enforcement officer!”

— Jeff Fortner, Idaho State Police

“I’m new to my position so I really enjoyed bouncing ideas off the instructor. I would 100% recommend this course!”

— Amanda Rice, Communications Consultant, WA State Patrol

“My favorite part of the course was the “message bases”, and the videos that showed good and bad examples of communication.”

— Dispatcher Natalie Alves, Rohnert Park Dept. of Public Safety (CA)

"My favorite part of the course was the instructor Paul Grattan. Great instructor!"

— Sgt. Terry Viel, Hamilton Township PD (OH)

Upcoming Presentations:

Crisis Communication and Social Media for Public Safety

May 9Santa Rosa, CA

Quick Facts

Target Audience:

Public Information Officers from Public Safety Agencies (police, fire, OES, etc.)

Course Length:

8 hours

Course Certifications:

California and Idaho POST Certified. Need certification for your state?

All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state.



Can your agency host this course?


We’ll show you real-world examples of communication failures and successes. You’ll take away sound strategies for preparing for and responding to media inquiries and press conferences.

In today’s #HappeningNow world, your agency can literally control the message but you need to know how. We’ll be your guide.

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