Internal Affairs Investigations

Highly experienced supervisors show you how to conduct internal affairs from incident to adjudication.

Internal Affairs Investigations

Highly experienced supervisors show you how to conduct internal affairs from incident to adjudication.

Instead of “Death by Power Point” you’ll discuss real cases with highly experienced investigators. You’ll learn the specific way to conduct investigations, the pitfalls to avoid and how new laws affect your investigations.

Internal Affairs Investigations

(24 Hours)

California POST Certified: #1345-32100 – Plan N/A

Need certification for your state?
All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state. Contact us to start a discussion about getting the process started.
Law enforcement officers are under scrutiny like never before. That’s why when an officer is accused of wrongdoing, the investigation must be conducted by competent and professionally trained investigators. Officers deserve it and so do the public they serve. That’s where you come in!

This course provides law enforcement supervisors and investigators with the specific skills they can use to investigate both internally and externally generated matters. This training will include directions on the crucial steps that must be taken during the intake, investigation, presentation, and adjudication phase. You’ll learn how to organize an investigation, and proven methods for conducting thorough investigations based on the latest case law.

Attend this course and receive:

  • Step by step instruction on how to conduct internal affairs investigations and “leave no stone unturned”
  • Learn how new laws (such as California’s SB2) affect investigations.
  • Learn how to mitigate criminal, civil, and administrative liability for your officers and your agency.

Whether you are a supervisor with collateral duties in the initial intake of IA complaints, or you conduct full-blown IA investigations for your agency, this class is for you.

Quick Facts

Target Audience:

Sworn law enforcement officers and agency-affiliated investigators

Course Length:

24 hours (3 days). Contact us if you need a shorter compressed course for your agency.

Course Certifications:

California POST Certified. Need certification for your state?
All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state.




Can your agency host this course?


Students Are Saying:

“Do it! Worth your time. The case law reviews were informative.”

— Roy Brown, Santa Monica PD (CA)

“I feel better with admin issues. Great course with knowledgeable instructors.”

— Steve Souphasith, Fresno County Sheriff’s Office (CA)

“My favorite part was being challenged by the instructor as well as their sense of humor. 100% recommend this for all our supervisors.”

— Sgt. Erin Montgomery, Elk Grove PD (CA)

“Before the class I didn’t feel prepared to handle an IA but now I do. Very worthwhile training.”

— Sgt. Ryan DeJohn, Santa Barbara PD (CA)

“This course is RELEVANT. I appreciated the instructor’s style. Most POST classes are taught by an irrelevant 100-year old retiree who speaks as if he is the ultimate authority. These instructors gave options, posed questions, and said it if they didn’t know the answer.”

— Sgt. Steve Boyett, Paso Robles PD (CA)

“Excellent course and instructors. My favorite part was their energy and the info they provided.”

— Det. Vanfleet, Simi Valley PD (CA)

“I enjoyed learning about all the laws and updates. This class is 1000% worth it.”

— Investigator Patrick Weithers, City of Long Beach (CA)

“First-hand, real life experiences from the instructors made the learning environment easy to understand.”

— Sgt. RC, Santa Barbara PD (CA)

Your instructors

Marlon Marrache

Marlon Marrache

Marlon Marrache recently retired from LAPD with 24 years of service, 12 of those spent conducting police misconduct investigations full-time.

More about Marlon

James Tacchini

James Tacchini

James Tacchini is an active-duty Lieutenant with the San Francisco Police Department where he has served as a full-time Officer Involved Shooting Investigator.

More about James

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