Critical Incident Response & Legal Update for Dispatchers

Critical Incident Response & Legal Update for Dispatchers

(8 Hours)

California POST Certified: #1345-31048 – Plan N/A

Need certification for your state?
All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state. Contact us to start a discussion about getting the process started.

Learn the new laws that are causing officers to respond differently and the modern tactics they are using in the field in this intensive 8-hour course for public safety dispatchers.

This course helps public safety dispatchers understand how recent changes in laws and unprecedented public scrutiny have caused a shift in the way officers respond to calls. We’ll discuss modern police tactics that dispatchers need to know about including disengagement from the mentally ill in crisis, use of force incidents, and more.
  • Learn about the new use of force laws
  • Learn why officers are asking for things on the radio that they never asked for before (it’s not because they don’t trust you)
  • Learn why field supervisors are calling for a disengagement or even a non-response
  • Examine how high-profile incidents have affected the way officers respond
  • Become informed and be an asset to your officers in the field

Your Instructors

Kristy Dorton

Kristy Dorton

Instructor Kristy Dorton is an active-duty Public Safety Dispatcher II and Communications Training Officer with the Sacramento Police Department. She is also a California POST Master Instructor.

More about Kristy

Dan Flippo

Dan Flippo

Deputy Chief Dan Flippo recently retired from the Santa Cruz, CA Police Department. Dan has 29 years of experience in SWAT and Patrol and is also currently an instructor with the National Tactical Officers Association. Dan is the lead instructor for our Critical Incident Response programs.

More about Dan

Upcoming Presentations:

Critical Incident Response & Legal Update for Dispatchers

Apr 29Westminster, CA

May 2Kingsburg, CA

In recent years there has been a dramatic change in the way officers respond to incidents. Although those officers have each received updated training in things like new laws and modern tactics, most dispatchers haven’t. This 8-hour course was designed specifically to fill that void and help educate dispatchers why their officers may be operating differently than before.

Students Are Saying:

“Before the class I felt anxious because I didn’t always understand “the why” behind what we do. But now I am much better equipped. My favorite part was learning the case law and “the why”.”

— Dispatcher K. O’Dea Lindsey – East Bay Regional Parks PD (CA)

“Excellent training course and instructors. I now have a better understanding of why officers are walking away from some calls.”

— Dispatch Supervisor J. Macias – Coronado PD (CA)

“If your agency won’t explain why things are done, take this course. It will.”

— Anonymous California Dispatcher

“This was the most educational course I have ever taken. It’s information you need to know.”

— CTO A. Teramzian, Burbank PD (CA)

Quick Facts

Target Audience:

Police dispatchers and call takers

Course Length:

8 hours (1 day)

Course Certifications:

California POST Certified. Need certification for your state?
All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state.



Can your agency host this course?

YES presently in California and Illinois only

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