Field Training Officer Update

We teach FTOs how to fix training deficiencies and how to become expert teachers.

Field Training Officer Update

We teach FTOs how to fix training deficiencies and how to become expert teachers.

Field Training Officer Update

(24 Hours)

California POST Certified: #1345-31715 – Plan N/A

Need certification for your state?
All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state. Contact us to start a discussion about getting the process started. Please note that this course is only offered within the jurisdiction of United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (CA, AK, WA, MT, OR, ID, NV, AZ, HI, GU)

We introduce FTOs to our methods of teaching, evaluating and documenting trainees. They get to experience the core portions of what has made our 40-hour FTO course so successful.

Your FTOs leave with the latest, cutting edge information on use of technology, principled based policing, de-escalation and most importantly how to actually TEACH new officers and laterals alike.

Here are 3 reasons that our students say FTOs need to take this course:

  • Learn from current and former FTOs and FTO Supervisors. Our instructors are practitioners, not theorists.
  • Learn how to diagnose a training deficiency and potentially save a struggling trainee.
  • Learn modern techniques for teaching, evaluating, and documenting.

This course is POST-certified in California and Idaho.

Contact Us to discuss POST certification in your state.

Most agencies struggle with hiring and retaining quality recruits. Having well trained FTOs can make the difference between recruits successfully passing the Field Training Program or not. Your seasoned FTOs need to constantly hone their skills. What better way to do it than for them to attend what our students are calling “the best FTO training there is”?

Your FTOs ability to teach, evaluate and document can make all the difference, especially when it comes to remediating a struggling recruit. Your FTOs are preparing your new officers to be the future of your department. We’re going to give them the tools to do just that.

In addition, our instructors are practitioners, not theorists. They have a ton of experience training new officers, so you’ll get to see how they use the course material in the real world.

FTO Concepts Video Series

Plus get access to 10 refresher training videos featuring our Savage Training Group FTO Instructors!

The learning doesn’t stop when you leave this course. Each FTO student will receive 10 separate training videos sent to them in the weeks and months after the course. That means that the learning doesn’t stop after you attend our course.


These videos are a $99 value. We’re including them here at no additional charge for students who complete the course!

Upcoming Presentations:

Quick Facts

Target Audience:

Experienced sworn and non-sworn FTOs

Course Length:

24 hours (3 days)

Course Certifications:

California and Idaho POST Certified. Need certification for your state?

All of our courses are California POST certified because we are based in California. However, we present courses all over the United States and we’re happy to work with you to obtain certification in your particular state.



Can your agency host this course?


What’s different about our FTO Update Course? Everything. This is a modern course being presented by expert level instructors. Each day, the students teach, evaluate and document so by the time they leave the course they are confident they’re up to date and doing it right.

We know how important hiring and retaining new officers is to your agency so we designed an update course that ensures FTOs are ready to move that trainee successfully through the Field Training Program. For those trainees who must be let go, our course teaches FTOs how to thoroughly document the matter and avoid liability for the agency.

What are students are saying:

"Before attending this course, I was frustrated by the lack of definition SEG categories 2, 3, 5 and 6. I was also frustrated by not knowing how to correct issues I saw with my trainees. During the course we spent time deconstructing each SEG rating number. Then we did table-top exercises where we figured out the root causes behind a struggling trainee’s issues. Now I feel prepared for my next trainee.”

— Officer K. Pronske, Atherton PD (CA)

"I didn't know if the way I was training my trainees was the right way or even worth the effort. This course reinforced that what I was doing was correct. Every FTO on the planet should attend this course! My favorite part was the expertise, entertainment and new concepts.”

— Officer T. Aspegren, Vallejo PD (CA)

"Before attending, I was frustrated by not knowing how to get through to trainee who was struggling. This course taught me how to diagnosis a trainee's problem using the KRSA analysis (Knowledge/Rule/Skill/Attitude). Now I am confident and will bring this info back and help improve our Field Training Program. This course is really worth it!”

— Officer H. Murphy, Monterey County Law Enforcement Agency (CA)

If you are like most officers, you can’t stand those courses where a dry instructor clicks through a PowerPoint. Rest assured, there is no “Death by PowerPoint” here! We only use instructors who are not only experts in conducting interviews but also expert instructors. While we’re incredibly lucky to have them as instructors, this course isn’t about the instructor, it’s about you. We’re here to build your skills and your career. You are the hero in this story. Our instructors will be your guides.

Your Instructors

Eddie Chan
Steve Valentine
Garrett Slonicker
Dominic Gamboa

Eddie Chan, Steve Valentine, Garrett Slonicker, and Dom Gamboa are not only highly-experienced law enforcement professionals from Northern California but they are also expert instructors. Eddie is a current FTO Sergeant and Steve and Garrett are current Field Training Officers with the San Jose Police Department. Dom is a former Training Unit Officer with the San Francisco Police Department and is a current Sergeant with the Broadmoor Police Department. Each have a ton of experience teaching law enforcement officers. They are obsessed with delivering highly engaging courses and they are the reason why our FTO training programs are so different than the typical “Death by Power Point” courses.

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