Internal Affairs Investigations
Highly experienced supervisors show you how to conduct internal affairs from incident to adjudication.
Internal Affairs Investigations
Highly experienced supervisors show you how to conduct internal affairs from incident to adjudication.
Instead of “Death by Power Point” you’ll discuss real cases with highly experienced investigators. You’ll learn the specific way to conduct investigations, the pitfalls to avoid and how new laws affect your investigations.
Internal Affairs Investigations
(24 Hours)
California POST Certified: #1345-32100 – Plan N/A
Need certification for your state?
This course provides law enforcement supervisors and investigators with the specific skills they can use to investigate both internally and externally generated matters. This training will include directions on the crucial steps that must be taken during the intake, investigation, presentation, and adjudication phase. You’ll learn how to organize an investigation, and proven methods for conducting thorough investigations based on the latest case law.
Attend this course and receive:
- Step by step instruction on how to conduct internal affairs investigations and “leave no stone unturned”
- Learn how new laws (such as California’s SB2) affect investigations.
- Learn how to mitigate criminal, civil, and administrative liability for your officers and your agency.
Whether you are a supervisor with collateral duties in the initial intake of IA complaints, or you conduct full-blown IA investigations for your agency, this class is for you.
Upcoming Presentations:
Internal Affairs Investigations
Mar 31 - Apr 2 • Brisbane, CA
Apr 15 - 17 • El Centro, CA
Oct 6 - 8 • Windsor, CA
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Your instructors

Marlon Marrache
Marlon Marrache recently retired from LAPD with 24 years of service, 12 of those spent conducting police misconduct investigations full-time.

James Tacchini
James Tacchini is an active-duty Lieutenant with the San Francisco Police Department where he has served as a full-time Officer Involved Shooting Investigator.